Tuesday, September 11, 2007

WHatz HOt?

apparently, the come backz of Britney SPears with her new single "Gimme More" becomes the hOt toPics not only just in the radio, also the MaGz, T.V, newsPaper, inTernEt..basically, almost all the medias...After a LoooNg break, sHe finaLLY sTep Up aGain! and THis tiMe shE went FOr TechnO...moRe to CLubbing-LikE sensaTIon..Well sOmeThINg neW...I ThiNk ThE SonG WAs baSiCaLlY nOt DAt BaD, soMwhat i liKeit as the music has nice beat...d only think i dont like is DuRIng thECHoRUs WHeN eVrYThINg Is ssO FinE tHen OUt Of suDdEn tHE WORd "MOrE" is sANg sO mANlY bUY A GUy...kiNdA WeIrd..hAHa...buT dEfINiTeLy The sOnG cAn MaKe u MovE Ur tHaNG...buT DIfF pPL HaVE DiFf opIniOn SINCe bRiTnEy thE nAmE ITsElf EDi stIr-UP SterEoTYpE In PPl's MiNd NoW....

DurInG THE VMA 2007, BrIt PErFoRmed...

SO NIC ELAH I EDIt until AHAHAH.....perasan* cheh....the performance was kinda bad...the colour was ncie ...pink n black...so sexy but then she's not sexy...abit disappointed for me...and her dance..oh no her dance..sigh, i used to adore her dance coz she can dance....but this perofmrance is like...sigh....and her outfit is so over...all i can say is she's so diff...sigh i missed her looks before that especially in the "overprotected" video clip......

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